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EI101: First-Year Business Experience 2018-19 (all sections): Competitor Analysis

Competitor Analysis Resources

Use Google to match keywords or phrases that describe your product or industry (ex:  "ice cream") with the phrases below to find lists or directories that may include potential competitors or suppliers.

  • trade associations (look for membership directories)
  • trade publications
  • trade shows  (look for exhibitor lists)
  • buyer's guides
  • supplier guides (ex: ThomasNet) 
  • Google Patents (find companies that have received patents for similar products)

Other Tips on finding trade sources:

  1. Google industry keywords with the word "association."  ex:  "fast food" association
  2. Find an industry report and look for links to trade sources in the report (ex: First Research report). 
  3. Search Google Patents to find companies that have received patents for similar products.
  4. Use keywords to search a database and then filter results to trade publications.  (ex:  Business Source Complete database).

TIP:  Start with the AtoZ or Mergent Intellect database to create a list of competitors. AtoZ will let you create a heat map of companies in a specific location.  The PrivCo databases focuses on private companies. The BizMiner database will provide financial norms for industries and will also help you find competitors within a market area.  For help using Mergent and other databases, see the tutorials linked on this guide.

Try the databases linked below to find general business news articles (ex:  WSJ, Forbes, local business newspapers)


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