Contact Josh Petrusa (see below) to schedule an Omeka Workshop for your department or program!
"The online project will be completed in stages, with the assistance of Irwin Library staff. The final version should be a ‘curated’ collection of primary sources related to a particular issue, event, part of the world, etc. The scope should be narrow enough to allow you to explore at least half a dozen documents or texts (music, literature, artifacts) in detail through a multi-layered and cross-referenced website. A person encountering your page—and it will be posted—should find not a cut-and-dried narrative but rather sufficient information to assemble one story, or possibly several contrasting interpretations, of the topic you have chosen. The final grade will be based on collection of relevant and interesting sources (40%), careful critical analysis of the materials (30%), and ease of navigation (30%)."
-from the HST 205 syllabus
With World War I as a topic, many materials that might be collected in an exhibit are in the public domain. However, we did still have to have discussions about the fact that while a photograph or letter might be in the public domain, the scan of that photograph can still be protected under copyright.
For topics that aren't necessarily public domain-friendly, we can focus on providing content from Butler's Special Collections, which is free for students to use, and introducing students to Creative Commons licensing.
For more information on copyright, please check out our Copyright LibGuide or speak with copyright liaison Josh Petrusa.
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