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GHS 206: Colonialism & Post Colonialism in Africa (Turner): Creative Products


Adding Captions or Citations

Which Tool should we Use?

  • Prezi
    • Collaboration: Add collaborators and edit together in real-time (directions)
    • Similar to a PowerPoint, Prezi is good when the content you present can be chunked and presented in a certain order. What makes Prezi special is the ability to zoom in and out and move around, as opposed to the traditional linear slideshow. A great way to take advantage of this format is to "focus in" on a topic and group similar topics in the same space.
    • Medium threshold
  • Slides
    • Collaboration: Add collaborators and edit together in real-time. Also saves revision history.
    • Similar to PowerPoint - easier to share and publish, fewer editing features. Works well when your information has a logical, linear order.
    • Low threshold. Use your Butler email address when logging in.
  • Weebly
    • Collaboration: Add collaborators. Only 1 person can edit a page at a time.
    • Weebly allows you to create a website. This format works well when you want to group information into related chunks, but you don't necessarily mind if the viewer sees things in their own order. When it comes to content, here are some tips for good website design:
      • Homepage should explain the purpose of the site and help orient your viewers.
      • Long isn't always better! Your pages should require minimal scrolling; if your page is getting quite long, consider ways to divide your content across multiple pages.
      • Make sure each page has enough content or a specific enough purpose to justify standing alone. Remember - you can always create columns or sections to separate content within a single page.
    • Medium threshold. Its pre-loaded themes and drag-and-drop builder are user-friendly, and they have robust help pages.
  • Tumblr
    • Collaboration: After the initial sign-up, create a secondary blog and follow these instructions to invite collaborators.
    • Tumblr displays posts from newest to oldest, so developing a narrative requires some planning. Tumblr works well to highlight multimedia content and provide commentary.


Find Images & Media LibGuide

The Find Images & Media LibGuide includes information about Creative Commons, Public Domain, and Fair Use. It also lists resources to locate images, sound, and video with these licenses. Check it out!


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