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Idea of the Theatre

This guide will introduce you to theatre-related resources at Butler University

Helpful search hints!

Don't forget --

  • Use KEYWORD searching initially to ID relevant records, for example:  stanislavsky method acting..


  • Use QUOTE MARKS around words that you wished to be grouped and searched in a particular order, for example:  "globe theatre" or "method acting."


  • Use <Control-F> to locate specific search terms wtihin a particular article in a journal or magazine.


  • You can FOCUS YOUR TOPIC (or search) by adding terms that limit by: 

                     genre or form,

                     time period,

                     geographical location, or   

                     key terms or concepts

  • Use Library of Congress (LC) SUBJECT or DESCRIPTOR headings to find additional resources on the same or similar topics.  Note that the "Descriptors" that appear toward the bottom of the "Description" portion of an item in WorldCat Discovery are hot links and can lead to more resources covering the same or similar topics!
  • Use TRUNCATION (i.e., shortening a word to its root or base form using a designated symbol, such as ?, * !, $) for words that might:

*Have more than one significant form, e.g., theat? = finds theater theatre, theaters, theatres, theatrics, theatrical.

*Have alternative spellings (type as much as you KNOW is correct!)., e.g. Stanislavki or Stanislavsky; theater or theatre

N.B. (Nota bene!), the truncation symbol in the WorldCat Discovery Box is "?" or "*"  For MOST databases, use the asterisk    " * " .  If that doesnt work, consult the "help" screen of the database!

Also, N.B., you do NOT have to capitalize proper nouns when searching for them in online databases.



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