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Mental Health Counseling: Finding Articles, Videos, and More

Guide for students in the Licensed Mental Health Certification (LMHC) program.

Search Tools for Finding Information

Although these will not really search everything, these tools will search for many books, articles, and more all with one search:

For example, here are the results of a sample search for the subjects "mental health counseling" and "case studies" with the sorting set to Best Match. The results list can be narrowed down by using the filters (date, format, etc.) on the left side of the results screen.

There is no subject searching in Google Scholar, but the results list can be narrowed by date range and by adding additional search terms.  An Advanced Search screen (shown below) is also available (which you can get to by clicking on the three horizontal bars - the options menu - in the upper left corner).

Google Scholar Advanced Search screen

These databases can help you to focus your search:

For a more complete list of databases, see Databases A-Z (also available from the library home page).

Find Full Text button

Don't give up if you don't see an icon for the full text! 

Click on the Find Full Text button   to see if the library does have full text access to the item or if it is freely available. (example) 

Please remember that you can use InterLibrary Loan to get articles in a few days (or books in about a week).


Be sure to use persistent links if you decide to save or email links to articles you found in the results list of a database search.  Sometimes, the URL you see at the top of the page includes session information from your search session and the link will not work after you have closed that session. 

In addition to using persistent links, if you note the citation information you can insure that you will be able to find the item again. 


Email Butler University Libraries
Irwin Library: 317-940-9227
Science Library: 317-940-9937

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