Using Someone Else’s Music
- You can use someone else’s music when the work is in the public domain, your use falls under the fair use guidelines, or permission has been granted by the copyright holder.
- This only works if you receive express permission from the owner of the copyright, which is not always the original creator
What About a Facsimile?
- A copy of a composition does not add any original content, and the copyright remains with the owner of the piece.
- You can use a facsimile of a score as long as you do not alter the original content, and you correctly cite your sources.
Using Someone Else’s Sound Recording
- If the recording is not in the public domain, licensed under a Creative Commons license, or does not fall under fair use, you must seek permission and pay a licensing fee
- If you are sampling a sound recording or composition in your own composition, you must seek permission from the copyright holder before doing so. If you are unable to secure a license, you must either alter the scope of the project to fall under fair use, or not use the sample.
-Nancy Sims, Copyright Librarian and Lawyer