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Resilient Communities

Resources and program information for Resilient Communities: Libraries Respond to Climate Change

Seed Library

The seed library is located in the atrium of Irwin Library and operates on the honor system.  You can simply come in to the library and take the seed packets.  There is no checkout process required.  However, we ask that you take only what you can reasonably grow so that there will still be plenty of seeds to go around.  If you have questions, please ask at the Information Commons desk.

The seed library cabinet was painted by Gab Peabody and Anna Watson.
description of the seed libraryabout the artists Gab Peabody and Anna Watson

If you are interested in donating seeds for the seed library, you can drop them off at the Information Commons desk in the atrium of Irwin Library.  Please include the name of the seeds (preferably the botanical name in addition to the common name), the number of seeds, and your contact information.  Thank you very much!

Grant Opportunities

Film Discussion

February 25th event flyer  


  • Shannon Anderson. Assistant Director for Earth Charter Indiana
  • Dr. Gina Forrest, Executive Director, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Diversity Programs
  • Jamie Valentine, Assistant Director of the Center for Urban Ecology and Sustainability

Resilient Communities: Libraries Respond to Climate Change is a pilot program of the American Library Association.


Email Butler University Libraries
Irwin Library: 317-940-9227
Science Library: 317-940-9937

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