Butler offers a number of art, art history and visual-culture-related courses, including:
Art, A Visual Dialog
- Art and Visual Rhetoric
- Art vs. Art: The Avant-Garde (FYS)
- Introduction to Drawing
- Introduction to Photography
- Introduction to the History of Art
- Intro to Visual Art
The Butler Libraries seek to provide resources in various formats that support learning and research in these areas. This guide is designed to help make you, the user, more aware of the various kinds and types of resources available to you. The resources on this guide do not constitute an exhaustive list. They have been selected as a representative sampling designed to help get you started in your research on aspects of art history.
Image Credit: Lunchtime atop a skyscraper (cropped) by Charles Clyde Ebbets, from Wikimedia Commons, is in the Public Domain (CC0)