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TI 251-RL 01: Bible (McGrath): Home

This guide is designed to aid students in Dr. James McGrath's course, The Bible.


Welcome to the LibGuide created for TI 251-RL 01 The Bible (McGrath).  I'm happy to help you with your research. Please let me know when you have questions by contacting me via chat, phone, or e-mail (all listed to your right!).  I am also available to schedule a Zoom meeting (Schedule appointment button). To navigate around this guide, click on the blue tabs at the top of this guide.


DSC03532 by Lawrie Cate. Used under CC by 2.0

Electronic Resources Librarian

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Sally Neal
Please note that I am out of the office on leave. If you need to schedule a research appointment contact librarian Joel Atkinson at

I am the subject librarian for:

CCOM: Strategic Communication, Journalism, Sports Media, Esports, Exploratory Communication; LAS: English, Exploratory Studies.

109B Irwin Library

Neal Library Instruction Evaluation

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Irwin Library: 317-940-9227
Science Library: 317-940-9937

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