There are two types of Open Access journals, Green Open Access Journals and Gold Open Access Journals. Green journals give authors permission to self-archive in some way, usually in an institutional repository. Gold journals provide immediate access to its articles.
In response to the research community’s expressed desire for OA, the latest JISC/Romeo survey of more than 10,000 journals indicates that over 90% are already “green”; that is, they have given their official green light to author self-archiving (
(Harnad, S., T. Brody, F. Vallieres, L. Carr, S. Hitchcock, Y. Gingras, C. Oppenheim, C. Hajjem, and E. Hilf. "The Access/Impact Problem and the Green and Gold Roads to Open Access: An Update." Serials Review 34.1 (2008): 36-40. Web.)
SHERPA / ROMEO is a database of permissions that are normally given as part of each publisher's copyright transfer agreement. Your can search by journal title or by publisher to determine what a publisher will allow under their standard agreement. A faculty adopted open access policy should specify what level of archiving is acceptable.
ROMEO colour | Archiving policy |
green | can archive pre-print and post-print or publisher's version/PDF |
blue | can archive post-print (ie final draft post-refereeing) or publisher's version/PDF |
yellow | can archive pre-print (ie pre-refereeing) |
white | archiving not formally supported |
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