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Chocolate Supply Chain (Siegler)

Start with a NAICS Code

A NAICS code can help with industry research; however, if you cannot find a code that fits, try using industry descriptors (keywords).

See below for NAICS codes that may help with your research and use the Census link to look up others.

  • 311351:  Confectionery chocolate made from cacao beans 
  • 424450:  Confectionery merchant wholesalers 
  • 424590:  Cocoa beans merchant wholesalers 
  • 445292:  Confectionery stores, packaged, retailing only 
  • 722515:  Confectionery snack shops, made on premises with carryout services

Helpful Databases

Keywords and key phrases for your topic (*add to this list as you identify industry jargon):

  • cacao
  • cocoa
  • cacao beans (or cocoa beans)
  • chocolate 
  • chocolate production
  • confectionery

To find business databases with information on specific topics (ex:  industries), go directly to the databases linked under the tabs on this box and/or use the Business Database Help LibGuide (linked in box to the left). 


Start with an industry overview to become familiar with a topic.  Go beyond the first page of the report for detailed info.

  • Search for reports using NAICS codes or industry keywords.  
  • IBISWorld has national and state industry and economic reports.
  • The Statista database has statistics, infographics and dossiers (reports).

Use these databases to find company profiles and create company lists (ex:  competitors). Tip:  Filter by NAICS code, industry keyword, and geographic location.

  • Public Companies:  Mergent Online will provide detailed financials on public companies. 
  • Private Companies:  It is difficult to find reliable financials for private companies, so try BizMiner to find financial norms and benchmarks by industry (not for specific companies) and geographic location. 
  • Legal Information:  Try HeinOnline.

  • Best databases for trade articles:  Business Source Complete and One Business. 
  • For scholarly articles:  Academic Source Complete and JSTOR
  • See the CQ Researcher database for special reports, including the "Chocolate Debates."


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Science Library: 317-940-9937

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