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GHS 207 Global Women: Resistance & Rights (Stigter-Hayden)

This is a course guide for the Global Historical Studies course "Global Women: Resistance & Rights" taught by Dr. Stigter-Hayden

Learn Your Country

Use these sites to learn about your country:

Country and Migration Information

Finding Data about Immigration

Data can show up in a variety of places and formats. General data about U.S. populations is typically gathered in the 10-year census and other surveys by the U.S. Census Bureau. First, consider what type of data you are looking for. Next, Consider who might be interested in gathering it (The federal government? State or local government? A government agency? A non-profit organization? A think tank?) and consider where it might be published (A website? A data repository? A book? An article?). 

You may want to start with University Library's "Finding Data & Statistics" guide:

 Federal Government Data

State/Local Data

Government Agencies (Federal, State, or Local)

Non-Governmental / Non-Profit Organizations

If you have questions or would like help, please contact a subject librarian.


Historical and Local Newspapers


Email Butler University Libraries
Irwin Library: 317-940-9227
Science Library: 317-940-9937

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