Literature Criticism Online is designed to provide easy access - new users may simply enter an author or title and find a wealth of content, while experienced researchers may broaden or narrow their results via cross-searches on names of critics, journal titles, topics and more.
This group of online indexes provides access to biographies, bibliographies and critical analysis of authors, much of it full-text. The database is searchable by Author Name, Title, Genre, Literary Movement or Literary Themes, or a combination of criteria to create more powerful searches.
Produced by the Modern Language Association (MLA), this database provides a subject index for books and articles published on modern languages, literatures, folklore, and linguistics.
The MLA Directory of Periodicals offers detailed information on over 7,100 journals, with 4,400 currently indexed in the International Bibliography. The detailed entries include editorial contact information, as well as frequency, circulation, subscription prices and submission guidelines.
JSTOR provides access to full-text academic electronic journals in various disciplines including economics and finance, political science, history, literature, anthropology, mathematics, sociology, statistics, and education.
This website provides very short introductions to some of the finest texts in German-language literature for educational purposes and includes recommendations for further reading.
Biographies of important figures in political, economic, social, artistic, and scholarly work. In German.
The Oxford Companion to German Literature by Henry Garland; Mary Garland
ISBN: 9780198158967
Publication Date: 1997-07-10
This new edition of Mary and Henry Garland's classic Oxford Companion to German Literature substantially revises and extends its coverage, making an invaluable reference work available to a new generation of readers. Designed to be a reliable source of information on the whole sweep of literature from German-speaking countries from the eighth century onwards, the Companion now comes right up to the mid-1990s, including recent works such as Gunter Grass's controversial novel about the unification of East and West Germany, Ein weites Feld (1995).
The Cambridge History of German Literature by Helen Watanabe-O'Kelly (Editor)
ISBN: 9780521434171
Publication Date: 1997-01-09
This book describes German literary history up to the unification of Germany in 1990. Contributors, all leading scholars in their field, take a fresh look at the main authors and movements, and also ask what Germans in a given period were actually reading and writing, what they would have seen at the local theatre or found in the local lending library; it includes, for example, discussions of literature in Latin as well as in German, eighteenth-century letters and popular novels, Nazi literature and radio plays, and modern Swiss and Austrian literature. A prominence is given to writing by women. The book is designed for general readers as well as students and scholars: titles and quotations are translated, and there is an extensive bibliography.
Philosophy and German Literature, 1700-1990 by Nicholas Saul
ISBN: 9780511066443
Publication Date: 2002-01-01
Although the importance of the interplay of literature and philosophy in Germany has often been examined within individual works or groups of works by particular authors, little research has been undertaken into the broader dialogue of German literature and philosophy as a whole. Philosophy and German Literature 1700-1990 offers six chapters by leading specialists on the dialogue between the work of German literary writers and philosophers through their works. The volume shows that German literature, far from being the mouthpiece of a dour philosophical culture dominated by the great names of Leibniz, Kant, Hegel, Marx, Heidegger and Habermas, has much more to offer: while possessing a high affinity with philosophy it explores regions of human insight and experience beyond philosophy's ken.
Butler Libraries use the Library of Congress classification system, so you can find German literature books at the following locations in Irwin Library:
PT 1 - PT 4897
A New History of German Literature by David E. Wellbery (Editor-In-Chief); Judith Ryan (General Editor); Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht (Editor); Anton Kaes (Editor); Joseph Leo Koerner (Editor); Dorothea E. von Mucke (Editor)
ISBN: 9780674015036
Publication Date: 2005-02-15
The revolutionary spirit that animates the culture of the Germans has been alive for at least twelve centuries, far longer than the dramatically fragmented and reshaped political entity known as Germany. German culture has been central to Europe, and it has contributed the transforming spirit of Lutheran religion, the technology of printing as a medium of democracy, the soulfulness of Romantic philosophy, the structure of higher education, and the tradition of liberal socialism to the essential character of modern American life. In this book leading scholars and critics capture the spirit of this culture in some 200 original essays on events in German literary history. Rather than offering a single continuous narrative, the entries focus on a particular literary work, an event in the life of an author, a historical moment, a piece of music, a technological invention, even a theatrical or cinematic premiere.
A History of German Literature by Ernst Rose
ISBN: 9780814703625
Publication Date: 1960-01-01
Reallexikon der Deutschen Literaturwissenschaft by Harald Fricke (Other); Klaus Grubmüller (Other); Jan-Dirk Müller (Other); Klaus Weimar (Editor)
ISBN: 9783110108965
Publication Date: 1997-03-19
Das Reallexikon der deutschen Literaturwissenschaft (RLW) ist ein Begriffswörterbuch, das eine umfassende und systematische Bestandsaufnahme des literaturwissenschaftlichen Sprachgebrauchs bietet. Sein eigentliches Ziel ist die Klärung und Präzisierung des wissenschaftlichen Sprachgebrauchs. Daher unterscheidet es im Gegensatz zu anderen Lexika deutlich zwischen Wort-, Begriffs-, Sach- und Forschungsinformation. Die Explikation macht einen historisch gestützten Gebrauchsvorschlag: Wie ist der Begriff in der gegenwärtigen Literaturwissenschaft sinnvollerweise zu verwenden? Wie verhält er sich ggf. zu anderen Begriffen seines terminologischen Feldes? Die Wortgeschichte informiert darüber, woher das betreffende Stichwort kommt, was seine Bedeutungen waren und sind. Die Begriffsgeschichte erklärt, wie sich der Begriff konzeptuell entwickelt und verändert hat und wie er möglicherweise alternativ benannt worden ist. Die Sachgeschichte beschreibt, wie die heute mit dem explizierten Terminus bezeichnete Sache - insbesondere im deutschen Sprachgebiet - von den Anfängen bis in die Gegenwart ausgesehen hat. Die Forschungsgeschichte stellt dar, inwieweit die - insbesondere deutschsprachige - Literaturwissenschaft diese Sache bislang erforscht hat, und eine knappe Zusammen-stellung der Literatur zeigt, wo man weitere Informationen finden kann. In mehr als 900 Artikeln führt das Lexikon in die Begriffswelt der deutschen Literaturwissenschaft ein.
Modern German Literature by Michael Minden
ISBN: 9780745629193
Publication Date: 2011-03-28
This accessible and fresh account of German writing since 1750 is a case study of literature as a cultural and spiritual resource in modern societies. Beginning with the emergence of German language literature on the international stage in the mid-eighteenth century, the book plays down conventional labels and periodisation of German literary history in favour of the explanatory force of international cultural impact. It explains, for instance, how specifically German and Austrian conditions shaped major contributions to European literary culture such as Romanticism and the 'language scepticism' of the early twentieth century. From the First World War until reunification in 1990, Germany's defining experiences have been ones of catastrophe. The book provides a compelling overview of the different ways in which German literature responded to historical disaster. They are, first, Modernism (the 'Literature of Negation'), second, the literature of totalitarian regimes (Third Reich and German Democratic Republic), and third the various creative strategies and evasions of the capitalist democratic multi-medial cultures of the Weimar and Federal Republics. The volume achieves a balance between textual analysis and cultural theory that gives it value as an introductory reference source and as an original study and as such will be essential reading for students and scholars alike.