Today's proliferation of Web sites and Internet search engines provide a wealth of research sources not available before the creation of the Internet. One needs to be careful, however, because many of the sources easily accessed through Internet search engines, such as Google, and Yahoo may (and often DO!) contain unreliable and/or false information. In addition, queries made using these search engines often produce a large number of irrelevant or minimally useful resources. Sorting through them can be time-consuming!
REMEMBER: Using online library catalogs/Discovery boxes, commercially-produced subscription indexes and databases and recommended Web sites is generally a more efficient and reliable method of doing research than "surfing the Net!"
Also, REMEMBER: Work out some of your search strategy before going online! Think about your topic. Write down key terms, concepts, titles, and the names of key people whose thinking or work is relevant to your topic. Be sure to include synonyms of key terms and concepts. Also, consider important geographic locations and time periods (i.e., geographic and chronological limiters).
Places to look for information:
Commercial/Subscription-based Databases
Click on "Databases A-Z" under "Quick Links" on the Butler Libraries' Home Page (
Use to find:
Internet Search Engines
Examples include: Google, Google Scholar, Yahoo, AltaVista, AskJeeves,Bing, etc.
The Library strongly urges students to begin by searching Google Scholar! It's available from the "Databases" list.
Use to find websites containing relevant information to your topic, but BE CAREFUL! Be sure to apply the CRAP (Currency, Relevance, Authority, Point of View) test to the information to test its reliability!
Interlibrary Loan
Library Hours
Study Rooms
My Library Account
Library Website