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LSB 401/402: Internship I & II (New) (Lurker)

This LibGuide has been created for students in Professor Lurker's section of LSB 401 and LSB 402.

Important--Please Read

Please Read:

  • If you are enrolled in the LSB Internship course that requires the Business Memos assignment, then this is the LibGuide for you. 
  • If you are enrolled in the LSB Internship course that requires the Organizational Analysis assignment, please go instead to the LibGuide linked below.   

Purpose of this Guide

This LibGuide was created for Butler University students enrolled the LSB 401/402 internship courses.  Use this guide for tips and resources for your course assignments.  Questions?  Please go to the "Contact Librarian" tab on this LibGuide.

Other Business LibGuides

Business LibGuides are online research guides prepared by librarians to direct you to reliable sources of information. LibGuides will save you time by directing you to relevant resources and give you tips for business research.

If you are not finding what you need in this Internship LibGuide, try one of the other Business LibGuides linked on this page.


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