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Designing a Research Poster: Sections of a Poster

Section I: Title

Title: states the question/problem that you are addressing, sometimes in question form

  • Use bold typeface.
  • Capitalize important words of title, but do not use ALL CAPS.
  • Title should be short, meaningful, and eye-catching (no longer than two lines).
  • Avoid jargon or acronyms.
  • If using a university logo, place on either side of the title.
  • Author(s) should be listed right under the title (Font size: 60).

Font size: 70 - 80 for the title

Section II: Introduction

 Introduction: introduces your topic and briefly explains why your research is significant

  • Place your topic within context of published literature.
  • Clearly state your hypothesis.
  • Include just what is highly relevant. Minimize background information and definitions.

Wordcount: 100-200   Font size: Headings: about 44; Main text about 32

Section III: Materials and Methodology

Materials/Methodology: tells readers what your research strategy was and how you actually carried it out

  • Briefly describe your research methods and any equipment or software you may have used.
  • You may also add figures, tables, flow charts, photographs, or drawings that describe your design.

Wordcount: 100-200   Font size: Headings about 44; Main text about 32 Captions about 28

Section IV: Results

Results: what did you find out?

  • Briefly discuss your data analysis.
  • You may add supporting charts, images, tables, quotations etc.
  • Use captions that describe the graphics.

Wordcount: 100-200      Font size: Headings 44; Main text 32; Captions 28

Section V: Conclusions

Conclusions: This is where you summarize your hypothesis and results.

  • Focus on the main takeaway points
  • Was your hypothesis supported?
  • What is the significance of your findings?
  • Future research?

Wordcount: 150-300       Font size: Headings: 44; Main text 32

Section VI: Works Cited

Works Cited

  • Cite only the most pertinent articles.
  • Select a documentation format (APA, MLA, Chicago etc) and be consistent.
  • Create a handout if you want to share more citations.

Font size: 24

Section VII: Acknowledgements

Acknowledgments This section is optional but it is nice to acknowledge people who have provided assistance or funding for your project.

  • Thank individuals who made contributions to your project.
  • Thank research subjects.
  • Acknowledge funding sources.

Font size: 24-28


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