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Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences

This library research guide supports program areas that are a part of Butler University's College of Communication.

WorldCat Discovery Search Box

WorldCat Discovery: Books, Articles, Media


The above search box is for Butler Library resources.  It can be described as the "googlization" of the Library's catalog and selected databases because you can search for print books, ebooks, and journal articles all at once!  While not all of the Library's 200 databases are included in this tool, roughly half of them are.

To search WorldCat Discovery, type in key terms that identify your subject. Listed here are Library of Congress Subject Headings that you can type in to find books on these topics; however, remember that you will also pick up articles too!

Communicative Disorders
Communication Disorders
Speech Disorders
Speech Disorders in children
Language Disorders
Language Disorders in children
Speech Therapy
Language Acquisition
Voice Disorders
American Sign Language

Books at Irwin Library

Browsing our Book Collection

Books in the Butler Libraries are shelved by the Library of Congress call number classification scheme, which is an alpha-numeric system that groups books on the same subject together.  This enables you to browse for books on the same topic within the call number area.

Below are call number ranges for subjects within the Communication Studies discipline.  Locate a pertinent call number range and browse the Butler Irwin Library stacks! 

P87-96  Communication, Mass Media
P94.7 Interpersonal Communication
P95-95.6 Oral communication, Speech
P99-99.4 Semiotics. Signs, and symbols
P99.5-99.6 Nonverbal communication
P301-301.5  Style, Composition, Rhetoric
P302-302.87  Discourse analysis
PN4001-4355  Oratory, Elocution, etc. 
HD58.7-58.95  Organizational behavior, change and effectivenss, Corporate culture 
HD59-59.6  Public relations, Industiral publicity 
HD66-66.2  Work group, Team work in industry 
HM711-806  Groups and organizations 
HM1041-1101  Social perception (including perception of self and others) 
HM1106-1171  Interpersonal relations, Social behavior 
HN1176-1281  Social influence, Social pressure
HV2474  American Sign Language 
JZ5-6540  International relations 
PN1993-1999  Motion Pictures 
RA421-790.95  Public Health 
RC423-428.8  Communicative Disorders (Speech Therapy)
RF290-210  Deafness Audiology 
RJ496  Communicative Disorders in Children 

Reference Sources: Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Directories

Communication Yearbook P87.C5974    v. 14 - current; 1977-current
The SAGE handbook of nonverbal communication BF637.N66 S24 2006
The SAGE handbook of gender and communication P96.S48 S34 2006
The SAGE handbook of conflict communication: integrating theory, research, and practice HM1126 .S24 2006
Handbook of language and social interaction P40 .H3425 2005
Encyclopedia of leadership Reference Room HD57.7.E53 2004
Encyclopedia of public relations Reference Room HD59.E48 2005
Random House American Sign Language dictionary Reference Room HV2475 .C668 1994
Encyclopedia of new media: an essential reference to communication and technology Reference Room QA76.575 .E5368 2003
Encyclopedia of international media and communications Reference Room P87.5 .E532 2003
International encyclopedia of communications Reference Room P87.5 .I58 2008
Pros and cons :a debater's handbook Reference Room PN4181 .P76 1999
The MIT encyclopedia of communication disorders Reference Room RC423 .M56 2004

Reference Sources


Email Butler University Libraries
Irwin Library: 317-940-9227
Science Library: 317-940-9937

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