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The Informed Student

Looking for quality sources to keep informed? This Guide directs you to quality, Butler site-licensed newspapers and magazines, many with mobile app access.


Evaluation Concepts
  • Evaluate the author/source
  • Upstreaming - who/what is being referenced in the source? Investigate these references.
  • Lateral searching - can the information be replicated?
  • Consider your psychological/emotional reaction to the information. Is this persuading you?
  • What is left out of the argument? Who benefits and who is harmed by the information?
  • "Look for the helpers..." (Mr. Rogers Quote - ha!) such as:  journalists, librarians, experts on topic - professors, scientists, researchers, etc.

Media Bias Chart

Perspectives and Political Leanings of Sources

"The AllSides Media Bias Chart helps you to identify different perspectives and political leanings in the news so you can get the full picture and think for yourself."  (AllSides website description)

Just for fun... Streaming Film Databases

Did you know you have access?

Check out these two streaming subscription services that Butler Libraries subscribes to for feature films and motion pictures.  


Email Butler University Libraries
Irwin Library: 317-940-9227
Science Library: 317-940-9937

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