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ED575: Human Growth & Development for Counselors

Course guide for ED575: Human Growth & Development for Counselors

APA Citations

You may need to consult the APA Publication Manual even if you use a program to create citations for you.  The citations created by these programs frequently are close, but not exact.  Print copies of the APA Publication Manual are available in Butler's library and many other libraries. 

The APA Style website and the brief document below give examples of APA Style references for common types of sources.  However, if you have a question that is not answered by the examples and you are unable to access a copy of the APA Publication Manual, please let me know and I will help you to figure out the citation.

For more information, see the APA Style page of the Citation Guides LibGuide

Search Tool Citation Generators and Citation Management

search tool citation creators

Most search tools and databases have options for creating citations.  They often need some tweaking, but are a good start.  You may have to look around the page a bit to find the Cite button in that particular database.


You may want to try Zotero to manage your citations.  There is help on the Zotero documentation page, but please let me know if you have any questions.


Email Butler University Libraries
Irwin Library: 317-940-9227
Science Library: 317-940-9937

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