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Butler Libraries Film Series: Film Studies Resources

A Guide to supplement the new Butler Libraries Film Series, launched September 2023

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What Words do I Use?


If you are interested in books about film, plug in the following Library of Congress Subject Headings in the above WorldCat Discovery search box:

Film Criticism
Film History
Film Adaptations
Film Noir
Motion Picture actors and actresses
Motion Picture audiences
Motion Pictures

Films through the Decades

These books provide an overview of film through the decades of the 20th & 21st centuries.  Previous decades can be accessed through this link to WorldCAT:  Screen Decades series.  

Film & Documentary Sources

Streaming Film & Documentary Databases

Research Databases on Film


Additional Film Research Sources

Sources for Film Reviews

Primary Source Research

When studying film, primary sources include not only the film itself but analyzing the cultural scene and film artifacts (press releases, media kits) at the time that the film was made. Search the databases below to find magazine, newspaper, and other news/information sources that were published when the film was released.  

Encyclopedias & Overviews


Email Butler University Libraries
Irwin Library: 317-940-9227
Science Library: 317-940-9937

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