Whenever possible, images should come from the public domain or Creative Commons.
All images and media should be accompanied by attributions. The attribution should be directly beneath the image, in the caption field, or located in the lower left box on the page.
All images and media should be accompanied by alt text descriptions.
Infographics, Wordles, Timelines, Charts, Graphs, Etc...
Public Domain: Works that you can use in any way you want to. Most works enter the public domain once intellectual property laws expire, but some enter because creators wish for their work to be available without copyright law restrictions.
Creative Commons: Creative Commons is an organization that has made the process of applying copyright licenses much easier. Creators can choose from six licenses with a range of restrictions and easily access the license and legal code for their choice. This clear licensing and common-sense explanation of copyright makes it a lot easier to find and use work legally and ethically.
While one could make an argument that we fall under the protection of Fair Use with LibGuide, we ask that you first attempt to find works that are available under Public Domain or Creative Commons. We want to promote open resources that are accessible to all people we serve - including Butler alumni and members of the public. We also want students to see that there are plenty of amazing, open, free resources that they'll be able to use beyond their time at Butler. Think of your LibGuide as a way to promote the use of such materials.
If you feel that including an item that is not Public Domain or Creative Commons is necessary, please make sure it falls under Fair Use and attribute it properly.
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