Use the WorldCat Discover Box (found below and also on the Butler Libraries homepage) to begin your search for print books owned by Butler Libraries, PALNI (Private Academic Library Network of Indiana) Libraries and other Libraries around the world.
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The Butler Libraries use the Library of Congress Classification system. You can learn more about it under the Classifications Systems section of this guide. This is an alpha-numeric system of classification (meaning it uses both letters and numbers to describe the classification and location of an item).
To browse the stacks, it is useful to know the basic LC class for the general topic you want to find. Here are a some common topics to get you started:
M = Scores
M1627 Songs, international
M1629 Songs, United States
M1630.18 Popular music
M1685-M1853 National music (vocal) by country
ML = Music History & Literature
ML100-109 Dictionaries and encyclopedias
ML113-158 Bibliography
ML159-3797 History and criticism
ML 198-350.5 By region or country
ML 198-239 America
ML 240-325 Europe
ML 330-345 Asia
ML 350-350.5 Africa
ML3544-3776: Folk, national, and ethnic musics
ML3550-ML3562: North America
ML3556: African American music
ML3557: Music of Indian nations and tribes
ML3563: Canadian music
ML3565: West Indies & Caribbean music
ML3570-3572: Central America (including Mexico)
ML3575: South America
ML3580-ML3730: Europe and Russia
ML3740-3758: Asia & Middle East (including Turkey)
ML3760 Africa
ML3770 Australia
ML3771 New Zealand
ML3774-ML3775 Oceania
ML3776 Jewish music
ML3798 Ethnomusicology
ML3799 Ethnomusicology--Addresses, essays, lectures; History and criticism; Fieldwork
ML3799.2 Applied ethnomusicology
MT = Musical Instruction and Study (scores or books)
MT3 History of music education
MT5.5-7 Music theory
MT6.5 Collections of music for analysis
MT90-146 Analytical guides
MT170-810 Instrumental techniques
MT820-949 Voice instruction
The best place to find individual titles of eBooks is searching in the Butler University Library Catalog (WorldCat). In addition to searching for books individually, there are several online collections of eBooks that you can browse. Several of those are listed below. You are welcome to find out more on the eBook LibGuide, including how institutional eBooks differ from ones you would use personally, which devices are supported by each collection, how to search and download chapters and titles, and more.
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