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Classics: Latin

Resources for students of classical history, languages, and cultures

The Roman Gladiators of Gaul

Latin Lolcat of the Day

Map of Ancient Rome

Print Resources

Cassell’s new Latin dictionary. Latin-English, English-Latin
REF PA2365.E5 C372 1960

A copious and critical Latin-English lexicon
REF PA2365.E5 A52 1868

New comparative grammar of Greek and Latin
PA111 .S54 1995

Latin for all occasions : become the life of the party with everyone’s favorite dead language!
PA2107 .B4 2004

Teach yourself beginner’s Latin
Audio Book: PA2094.5 .S53 2003

Thesaurus linguae latinae
REF PA2361 .T4

Online Resources

Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Sally Neal
Please note that I am out of the office on leave. If you need to schedule a research appointment contact librarian Joel Atkinson at

I am the subject librarian for:

CCOM: Strategic Communication, Journalism, Sports Media, Esports, Exploratory Communication; LAS: English, Exploratory Studies.

109B Irwin Library

Neal Library Instruction Evaluation



Email Butler University Libraries
Irwin Library: 317-940-9227
Science Library: 317-940-9937

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