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Keep Calm and Study On: Home

LibGuide serves as a platform to support Butler University students, faculty and staff during remote learning through a variety of resources to engage students academically and socially.

The Center for Academic Technology seeks to support Butler University students, faculty and staff during remote learning through a variety of resources to engage students academically and socially. This LibGuide serves as a platform for the community to learn more about what they can do to enhance their experience during this unusual period.


As your classes transition to online, please be considerate while you are on a video conference. While you are in the safety of your own home, it is important to remember that others can still see and hear you. Dr. Thomas Plante offers ten tips to guide you towards good online etiquette:

  1. Find a quiet place and be prepared to use video, as well as sound;
  2. Get prepared ahead of time and turn on video and audio;
  3. Use headphones if you have any, they make it easier for you to hear the lecture;
  4. Use your laptop or desktop computer NOT cell phones to connect (if possible);
  5. Take notes on paper to stay engaged;
  6. Mute Zoom when you are not talking;
  7. Do not watch Netflix, etc. while in class. Your professor will be able to see this and will be very disappointed;
  8. Ensure there are no bright lights behind you
  9. Be sure there is nothing visually distracting (e.g., cars or people) in the background
  10. Remember to leave the meeting when the meeting is over.
  11. Bonus: please remember to be fully dressed.

Contacting Professors

Because students are no longer able to meet with professors during office hours or raise their hands in class, it is more important now than ever to communicate properly with professors. Professors are expected to regularly check their emails during the week, so email should be your primary point of contact with your professors. DO NOT expect responses at unreasonable hours or to be immediate. When crafting an email, do so with care.  You can follow this step-by-step guide when writing emails to professors.

Helpful Links

Academic Technology Specialist

Profile Photo
Megan Grady
Subjects: OEET

The Center for Academic Technology seeks to support Butler University students, faculty and staff remotely through a variety of resources to keep the community engaged socially and academically.

Special thanks to Information Commons students for all of their hard work compiling this information: Alyssa Manges, Laura Stark, Laura White, Lyssa Dougan, and Sarah Braunstein


Email Butler University Libraries
Irwin Library: 317-940-9227
Science Library: 317-940-9937

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