Items in the catalog are assigned Subject Headings in the catalog. Subject Headings are meant to capture the most essential themes and content of the material (books, recordings, eResources, etc.). When you search by subjects, you are able to find a smaller collection of items that share the same essential subject matter. In catalog records, subjects are hyperlinked so that you can click on related subjects to browse related groups of items. You can also combine subjects in searches to get narrower results.
At Butler University, all of the libraries use the Library of Congress (LC) Classification System. For those accustomed to the Dewey Decimal System, the LC System may look strange because it combines letters and numbers. Every LC call number begins with a letter or letters which designate the general subject of the material and knowing helpful classification numbers will help you browse the catalog and the stacks for related material.
Art of acting: PN2061 - PN2071
Costumes -- History/Description: GT500 - GT2289
Costumes -- Construction: TS 545-TT850
Hair, cosmetics: GT2290 - GT2341
Masks: GT1747+
Textile arts: NK8802 - NK8998
Make-up: PN2068+
Scene painting: ND2885 +
Electric devices; stage lighting: PN2091 .E4
Stage settings; scenery: PN2091 .S8
The stage and accessories: PN2085 - PN2901
Sound effects: PN2091 .S6
Architecture: NA+
Ancient theatre history: PN2131 - PN2145
Medieval theatre history: PN2152 - PN2160
Renaissance history: PN2171 - PN2171
Modern theatre history: PN2181 - PN2193
The Jewish Theatre: PN3035
Drama: PN1600 - PN3307
Play collections: PN 6110.5-PN6120
English literature-drama: PR621 - PR739
American literature-drama: PS330 - PS352
History of drama literature: PR 641-PR739
Various plays and videos relating to theatre: PN471 - PR5397
PR 2199-3195 - English renaissance (1500-1640)
PR 3291-3785 - 17th and 18th centuries (1640-1770)
PR 2750 -Original quartos and facsimiles and reprints
PR 2750.A01-.A73 - Original editions
PR 2750.B01-.B73 - Facsimiles and reprints
PR 2751 - Collected works
PR 2752-2754 - Modern editions
PR 2761 - Comedies
PR 2762 - Histories
PR 2763 - Tragedies
PR 2892 - Concordances, dictionaries, indexes, quotations
PR 3001 - Philosophy
PR 3011-3012 - Religion
PR 3017 - Politics
PR 3034 - The arts: music, painting, theater, etc.
PR 3069.S45 - Sex role
Black theater
Chamber theater
Children's plays
Community theater
Drama--History and criticism
Dramatic criticsm
Englihs drama--Restoration, 1660-1700--History and criticism
Experimental theater
Feminism and theater
Feminist theater
Fletcher, John, 1579-1625--Criticism and interpretation
Gay theater
Musical theater
Mysteries and musical plays
Repertory theater
Scene painting
Set designers
Shakespeare, William, 1554-1616--Comedies
Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616--Characters--Women
Stage lighting
Stage machinery
Stage props
Theater--Great Britain--History
Theater--Law and legislation
Theater--Moral and ethical aspects
Theater--Politicial aspects
Theater--Production and direction
Theater and society
Theater and the aged
Theater audiences
Theater critics
Theater curtains
Theater management
Theater of the absurd
Theater programs
theater rehearsals
Theaters--Sound effects
Teaters--Stage setting and scenery
Theatrical agents
Theatrical companies
Theatrical producers and directors
Theatrical publishing
Actors -- Great Britain -- Biography
Alexander, George, Sir, 1858-1918
Bernhardt, Sarah, 1844-1923
Betterton, Thomas, 1635?-1710
Bracegirdle, Anne, 1663?-1748
Congreve, William, 1670-1729
Dramatists, English--Early modern, 1500-1700--Biography--Dictionaries
English drama --Restoration, 1660-1700--Bio-bibliography--Dictionaries
English drama -- Restoration, 1660-1700 -- History and criticism
English drama--18th century
Etherege, George, 1635?-1691
French drama -- 17th century -- History and criticism
German drama--18th century--History and criticism
Irving, Henry, Sir, 1838-1905
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, 1729-1781
Saint James' Theatre (London, England)
Sturm und Drang movement
Theater--England--History--17th century
Theater--England -- London--18th century--History
Theater--France--History--19th century
Theeatrical managers--Great Britain--Biography
Vanbrugh, John, Sir, 1664-1726
Wycherley, William, 1640-1716
Aeschylus -- Criticism and interpretation
Aristophanes -- Criticism and interpretation
Aristophanes. Wasps
Behn, Aphra, 1640-1689 -- Criticism and interpretation
Congreve, William, 1670-1729
Corneille, Pierre, 1606-1684 -- Criticism and interpretation.
Dramatists, English--Early modern, 1500-1700--Biography--Dictionaries
English drama --Restoration, 1660-1700--Bio-bibliography--Dictionaries
English drama -- Restoration, 1660-1700 -- History and criticism
English drama--18th century
Euripides. Medea
French drama -- 17th century -- History and criticism
French literature -- 17th century -- History and criticism
Greek drama (Comedy) -- History and criticism
Greek drama (Tragedy)
Jonson, Ben, 1573?-1637 -- Political and social views
Kyd, Thomas, 1558-1594 -- Criticism and interpretation
London (England) -- Social life and customs -- 16th century
Marlowe, Christopher, 1564-1593
Mythology, Greek -- Drama
Politics and literature -- England -- History -- 16th century
Racine, Jean, 1639-1699 -- Criticism and interpretation
Theater--England--History--17th century
Theater -- England -- London -- History -- 16th century
Theater--England -- London--18th century--History
Theater--France--History--19th century
Theater--Moral and ethical aspects
Theater--Politicial aspects
Theater and society
Wycherley, William, 1640-1716
Aging in literature
Androgyny (Psychology) in literature
Dramatists, English - Early modern, 1500-1700 - Biography - History and criticism
Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 1533-1603 - Relations with authors
England - Civilization - 16th century
England - Intellectual life - 16th century
English drama - 17th century - History and criticism
English drama - Early modern and Elizabethan, 1500-1600 - History and criticism
English drama - Italian influences
Families - England - History - 16th century
Feminism in literature
Great Britain - History - Elizabeth, 1558-1603
Group identity in literature
Literature and society - England - History - 16th century
National characteristics in literature
Politics and literature - Great Britain - History - 16th century
Politics and literature - Great Britain - History - 17th century
Politics in literature
Religion and literature - England - History - 16th century
Sex role in the theater
Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616
Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 - Characters - Women - Dictionaries
Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 - Criticism and interpretation
Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 - Film adaptations
Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 - Knowledge - Economics
Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 - Knowledge - Italy
Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 - Macbeth
Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 - Philosophy
Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 - Political and social views
Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 - Relations with literary patrons
Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 - Religion
Sovereignty in literature
Theater and society - England - History - 16th century
Theater - England - History - 16th century
Transvestism in literature
Witchcraft - England - History - 16th century
Women - England - History - Renaissance, 1450-1600
Women in literature
Search tip: You can search combinations of subject terms, these combinations are called "faceted subject headings." There are many examples below.
Beauty culture -- United States -- History
Clothing and dress
Clothing and dress -- History
Clothing and dress -- History -- To 500
Clothing and dress -- History -- Medieval, 500-1500
Clothing and dress -- Byzantine Empire -- History
Clothing and dress -- Egypt -- History
Clothing and dress -- Rome -- History
Clothing and dress -- Iran
Clothing and dress in art
Costume bibliography
Costume design
Costume designers -- New York (State) -- New York -- Biography --Dictionaries
Costume -- History
Fashion -- History
Footwear -- History
Hairdressing -- History
Hairdressing of African Americans
Hairstyles -- Encyclopedias
Hairstyles -- History
Jewelry -- History
Mask making
Shoes -- History
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