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Arts Administration

This guide highlights available library resources relevant to Arts Administration studies and interests

About This Page

Market research entails analyzing such factors as consumer demographics, behaviors, and lifestyles.  The databases, web sites, and print directories on this page collect this data and help you in analyzing the market for a product or service.

Non-profit information

Databases for Demographics

Demographics, Statistical Data, Survey Reports


Analyze a Market

Use these tools to analyze the circulation, ad rates, and reader demographics for print, internet, and broadcast publications:

Passport Tutorials

Who's Buying Series - Butler Libraries has a number of books from this publisher that analyzes such topics as:  "Who's Buying by..." age, gender, product, activity, demographics, etc.  Statistical data is compiled mostly from US federal government sources such as:  the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Census Bureau, the National Center for Education Statistics, the National Center for Health Statistics, and the Federal Reserve Board.


Email Butler University Libraries
Irwin Library: 317-940-9227
Science Library: 317-940-9937

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