Note: The profiles in company databases are brief overviews and typically do not include specifics on company marketing issues or strategies. Use other databases to find that information. (Ex: Use Mintel for information on consumers and products.)
More detailed reports are available on public companies in the databases than on private companies. You will also find news about a company in a profile from a database.
For public companies, see the Form 10-K, which is an annual SEC report (government report). You can find the Form 10-K under the "Investors" section on a public company's website. See the Business section of the 10-K for helpful information on a company's products, customers, supply chain, and more. Also see the 10-K section on "Risk Factors." For help finding and using a public company's Form 10-K, see the "Company Research Tips" menu on this LibGuide.
Use the eBook databases linked below to find free books on business topics for your case study assignments.
Note: Industry research databases provide information on industries (ex: grocery store industry), not on companies (ex: Kroger). However, you can learn about the industry in which a company operates by reviewing a report in one of the databases linked below. Tip: Start with IBISWorld.
The Wall Street Journal site license link will take you to the digital edition of the Wall Street Journal ( to search for articles going back four years. (This is the personal WSJ subscription available through Butler Libraries. If you have not already signed up for your personal WSJ account, follow the directions with the link below to register).
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