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MK 380: Principles of Marketing (Chamberlaine)


Welcome to the LibGuide for the MK 380 course taught by Professor Chamberlaine.   

Resources linked on the guide will help with your research.  For questions or help with research resources, go to the "Contact Librarian" section on this page of the Libguide.

Research Tips

Start with the “Business Databases” tab of this LibGuide. 

  • To look for news, trade, or scholarly articles on a topic, start with the Business Source Complete database.  Next try the One Business (ProQuest) database.  Both are linked under the “News/Trade Articles” tab of the Database box on the LibGuide.
  • If you are searching by using a specific keyword or phrase (ex:  diversification strategy) and you are not finding many articles, look for a “Thesaurus” or “Subject Terms” tool on the database, and use that tool to look up your keyword.  The database may use another keyword phrase to describe your topic.
  • When you are researching a company, it may be helpful to find information on the industry in which that company operates or about the consumers who may be interested in the company’s products or services.  For industry information, try the First Research or IBISWorld databases.  For Consumer Research information, start with the Mintel database.  
  • To find online books that focus on a business topic (ex:  marketing ethics), try a search in one of the eBook databases linked on this guide.  While the entire book may not be focused on your topic of interest, you may find a helpful chapter or two.
  • The Form 10-K is a government report filed by public companies.  The “Business” section of a Form 10-K will include helpful information for your research.  Look for a 10-K under the Investor Relations section of the company’s website.  Also see the Form 10-K tutorial linked on your LibGuide.



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