Presentation Skills for Students is a practical, accessible guide for all students in further or higher education.
Learn how to deal with nerves, prepare concise and effective notes, anticipate questions or problems and keep your audience interested.
Provides tips on presenting individually, in groups, and for job interviews.
As with any assignment, it's important to first check the assignment requirements before you start planning your presentation. Read over the assignment requirements and make sure you understand the following:
A good presentation requires careful planning. In general, you will need to follow these steps to plan a successful presentation:
A good presentation should be well organized, with a beginning, middle, and end.
The beginning of a presentation is very important! This is when you have an opportunity to grab the audience's attention and set the tone for your presentation.
Using transition and signal phrases throughout your presentation will help keep it organized and ensure your thoughts are communicated clearly. Try using some of the phrases below to introduce ideas and structure your presentation.
Introducing your presentation:
Providing an outline:
Introducing your main point:
Rephrasing your main point:
Moving to another point:
Introducing an example:
Introducing images or explaining visuals:
Introducing and integrating videos:
Inviting and Answering Questions:
The above tips have been adapted from RMIT University Study and Learning Centre's "Oral Presentations: Signalling and Transition Phrases."
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