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FYS: The Noisy Cloister (Keating): Organizing & Planning Your Website



Get it Together!

Taking some time to get organized and plan your website will ensure that all of your group members are on the same page and creating a cohesive project. There are a number of ways to do this - you can even use pen/paper. Keep scrolling through to learn more and see some recommended technology tools.  

Mind Mapping Tools:

Image credit: PT002: Figure 2.2 by Rosenfeld Media. Used under CC BY.

Infographic layout cheat sheet

Layout Suggestions

We think that this Piktochart Blog: Layout Cheat Sheet for infographics offers layouts that works really well for webpages too - check them out!

Wireframe of website


Wireframing: creating a visual guide for a nonlinear project, such as a website

This blog post offers a good explanation and additional slideshow examples of wireframes.

Get Organized!

FIRST: As a group, confirm your audience, purpose, and topic

  • What does your audience already know and what do you need to explain?

  • What is the scope of your topic? [note: this may continue to evolve via research]

SECOND: Research, read, & learn

THIRD: Begin storyboard/wireframe

  • Group closely related concepts and information sources

  • Determine an order

    • With a website, your viewers don’t necessarily have to go in a set order, but they will always start somewhere - make sure you provide a solid introduction and clear navigational options

  • Create a visual of your project’s progression or layout/structure

    • On the visual, identify where specific pieces of information, media, and attributions should go

FOURTH: Review and revise as necessary

  • Identify areas where additional information or media may be needed

  • Have someone from your intended audience give you feedback

  • If you have specific questions, reach out to a classmate, your professor, or your librarians


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