Butler University has an extensive network of eBooks available to Butler students. These collections are accessible on or off campus and many platforms allow the books to be downloaded, shared, linked, and more.
For more information on Butler's eBook collections, visit the All About eBooks Libguide.
WorldCat Discovery is our catalog, but it's more than just a search for books. It's multi-format - it will bring back articles, books, ebooks, media, and more. You'll see the items we have on our shelves or in our online collection. It's also multi-library - the materials we own typically come back first, but the search does include materials owned by other libraries and available to your via Interlibrary Loan or PALShare. You can search by topic, title, or author.
Want a book that you can't find at Butler? Try getting it through Interlibrary Loan or PALShare, a free service for Butler faculty, staff, and students.
Before submitting an InterLibrary Loan request, an account must be made. This can be found on the Butler Library website by clicking the "InterLibrary Loan" link and following the login prompts, or first time users can click here.
Once an account is made, books may be searched for and requested through the Butler WorldCat search engine.
Please allow about 2 weeks for delivery. An e-mail will be sent when print materials are ready for pick-up.
Most journal articles arrive in 3-4 days and will be sent electronically.
What you need to know about using Butler's eBooks
Using eBooks at an academic library is different than personal eBooks or eBooks you get from a public library. They are accessible from several different websites (platforms) and what a user is allowed to do with an eBook depends on the functionality available on the platform where it's found, or any restrictions placed by the publisher.
Our recommendations:
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