This LibGuide was created to help direct you to the many excellent English and literature-related resources available through Butler University Libraries. Freely accessible resources beyond the Libraries' collection are also included. Navigate through this guide using the Tabbed Table of Contents to your left. Key tabs to explore include:
Questions? Contact me via the Profile Box under the Tabbed Table of Contents. -Sally Neal
For 30 years the Vivian S. Delbrook Visiting Writers Series has regularly hosted public readings and Q&A sessions with some of the most influential people in contemporary literature. |
The Butler University Writers' Studio offers free, 45-minute writing consultations at any stage of the writing process - from understanding an assignment to final draft. Our undergraduate and graduate tutors will assist you with writing assignments across the curriculum. |
Booth publishes four titles of original literature on the first Friday of every month. In addition, they publish two print issues yearly, usually in summer and winter. |
Manuscripts has published over a hundred issues and has evolved into the free, annual, and award-winning magazine that publishes the work of Butler students each year. Starting the fall of 2014, Manuscripts began accepting submissions from any Indiana undergraduate students. |
Literature Awards
Library Hours
Study Rooms
My Library Account
Library Website