In addition to our academic offerings, Irwin Library and the Science Library have Browsing Collections dedicated to leisure reading. Irwin's collection is located on in the soda and snack machine alcove while the Science Library collection is located in row 5A of the collection stacks.
Looking for some entertainment / leisure reading? Both Irwin and the Science Library have small collections of bestsellars in print and ebook formats. The print collections are housed:
Below are the search box codes to enter into Butler Libraries online catalog (WorldCat) to bring up the titles in these collections:
To browse specific collections that Butler Libraries has for popular reading materials. Type the following code in Butler Libraries Online Catalog search box:
Tyoe: b8: browsing (note: this will bring up the browsing collections in both Irwin and the Science Library)
Another popular fiction area is the Young Adult literature area at the South Campus Education Library. To limit results by this type of search, select the Advanced Search option in the Library Catalog and select/type:
Search Index: Subject and Search Term: Young Adult
Search Butler Libraries
When you look up your book, the call number should appear in the query. In this case, the search was made for Angie Thomas's The hate u give. As you can see, it is available as both an eBook and in print. The Call Number is located next to the green checkmark: "PZ7.T36553 Ha 2017." Make sure to have this number available when you go to locate your book - and in this instance, the books is in the Young Adult Books section of the Education Resource Library (ERL). ERL has limited hours; consult this page for hours information.
Call Number Ranges
Butler Libraries use the Library of Congress classification system. For literature/fiction reading, The PN subclass deals with general literature, PR is English literature, and PS is American literature. Related sections within the American literature call number ranges are outlined below:
PS 700 - 3576 - Individual Authors
PS991-(3390) 19th century
PS3500-3549 1900-1960
PS3550-3576 1961-2000
PS3600-3626 2001-
The PQ and PT subclasses include literature in the Romance languages (French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese) and other world literatures (German, Dutch, Flemish, Afrikaans, etc). Each of these languages has a section devoted to criticism and/or literary history as well.
Library of Congress Classification System
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