The Woman With 1 Billion Clicks, Jenna MarblesA young woman with magenta-streaked hair stands in her bathroom, speaking to a webcam. While few people older than 30 probably know who Jenna Marbles is, her popularity is unquestioned among teenage girls who live on the Internet. She has more Facebook fans than Jennifer Lawrence, more Twitter followers than Fox News and more Instagram friends than Oprah. Her weekly videos on topics as quotidian as “What Girls Do in the Bathroom in the Morning,” “My Favorite Dance Moves” and “I Hate Being a Grown Up,” place her in an elite club of more than one billion YouTube views, with more than eight million subscribers and growing. She is the definition of a YouTube celebrity (O'Leary).
O'Leary, Amy. "The Woman With 1 Billion Clicks, Jenna Marbles." New York Times. 12 April. 2013: 1. Print.