This LibGuide is dedicated to making Butler University students, staff, and faculty more aware of the digital primary source databases available through the library’s website. The library subscribes to many of these sites so that students and researchers may have digital access to otherwise inaccessible documents. This LibGuide categorizes the specific databases based on the general provider of the databases, information about how to use primary sources, and which librarian to contact with any research questions.
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This provider contains three databases dealing with American historical themes such as slavery, abolition, and social justice. There is also a database in this collection that deals with the history of American Advertising.
This provider contains databases on themes of Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies, Hollywood in the 20th century, Slavery and Indiana History.
The largest of the listed providers contains primary source databases that deal with themes of North American histories, Gender Women and Sexuality studies, UK government, religion, food, and global Black Studies.
This provider has a singular database focusing on slavery in America and throughout the World, specifically in legal contexts.
Butler University libraries has a subscription to This database contains official documents such as birth/death certificates, marriage certificates, census records, and more.
Arbuckle Brothers: Serve the coffee the greatest coffee merchants offer their own guests
Reproduced with kind permission from Duke University © Kraft
Brillo Manufacturing Company: 99 squeezes in every new soapier Brillo soap pad
Reproduced with kind permission from Duke University © Brillo
Eli Lilly & Company: Where there's smoke... there may be bronchitis
Reproduced with kind permission from Duke University © Eli Lilly and Company
CCOM: Strategic Communication, Journalism, Sports Media, Esports, Exploratory Communication; LAS: English, Exploratory Studies.
109B Irwin Library
Addis: 1780-1970... but can you spot the earliest? Reproduced with kind permission from Duke University © Addis
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