A Singer's Guide to the Songs of Joaquin Rodrigo by Suzanne Rhodes DraayerCall Number: Music Reference ML54.6.R632 D73 1999
ISBN: 9780810836761
Publication Date: 1999-09-01
Now in Paper! An authoritative and indispensable guide to Joaqu'n Rodrigo's vast catalog of vocal works, A Singer's Guide provides word-for-word translations, idiomatic translations, and IPA transcriptions of all eighty-seven songs. Other details given are background information, range, length and other relevant facts. Biographies of Rodrigo and his wife, Victoria Kamhi, are also included, as well as information gleaned from in-depth interviews and correspondence with Cecilia Rodrigo, the only child of Victoria and Joaqu'n Rodrigo. Much of this information has never before been available to the public. Paperback edition with CD available May 2003.