Resources for the classical singer, including how to find repertoire, translations, pronunciations, and pedagogical works. Choral music resources also are included.
Locating Info About Choral Music via Online Databases
Grove Music OnlineThis link opens in a new windowGrove Music Online provides information about the lives of composers and performers; musical styles, periods, terms, and genres; musical instruments; music printing and publishing; world musics; popular music; and other music-related topics.Grove Music Online provides information about the lives of composers and performers; musical styles, periods, terms, and genres; musical instruments; music printing and publishing; world musics; popular music; and other music-related topics. This is an excellent source for locating specific compositions in complete works, citing proper titles of works, and obtaining composers' complete names and dates!
Naxos Music LibraryThis link opens in a new windowThis online collection of music includes the complete Naxos, Marco Polo, and Dacapo catalogues of over 85,000 tracks. Genres covered include Classical music, Jazz, World, Folk and Chinese music. The database also provides access to notes on the works being played as well as biographical information on composers or artists. [Subscription limits to 15 simultaneous users!]
RILM Abstracts of Music LiteratureThis link opens in a new windowProvides article citations and abstracts from 3500 international music journals and other scholarly works including books, dissertations, bibliographies, concert reviews, critical commentaries, videos and films, etc.
RIPM - Retrospective Index to Music PeriodicalsThis link opens in a new windowAn international, highly annotated database with detailed content analysis of writings on musical history and culture between 1800 and 1950, all provided by internationally-recognized scholars and editors.
This book will help you find info about complete works of composers and musical monuments. It is especially useful to locate specific works in Das Chorwerk, Fellerer's Anthology of Music, Denkmaler deutsche Tonkunst, Denkmaler der Tonkunst in Osterreich, etc.