TIP: Start with the IBISWorld and Statista databases. Brainstorm for keywords describing technology in the industry. Examples: automation, systems, software, artificial intelligence tools, etc.)
TIPS on finding trade sources:
TIP: Start with a company's Form 10-K, which is a government source. Look in the Business section of a public company's Form 10-K for information about the industry in which it operates and related technology trends.
TIP: Start by looking for WSJ articles. Try Google to find WSJ articles. Example: "fast food" site:wsj.com
The WSJ also has many articles on technology trends. Try this Google search: food technology site:wsj.com
You can also go directly to the "Technology" section on WSJ.com to find information on technology trends.
Try the other databases linked below to find general business news articles (ex: from WSJ, Forbes, local business newspapers).
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