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EI 101: First-Year Business Experience 2024-25 (all sections)

Research Tips and Resources for EI 101

Supply Chain Resources

TIPS on finding trade sources:

  • Use (linked below) to look for information on specific suppliers.
  • Google industry keywords with the word "association."  ex:  "food processing" association 
  • When you find a trade association website relevant to the industry, review the site's menu headings and/or use the search box on the site to look for information for your analysis (ex:  suppliers, supply chain). 
  • Find Trade Sources in an IBISWorld report by going to the "About this Industry" section of the report. Look for "Additional Resources."
  • Use keywords to search a database and then filter results to trade publications.  

Tip:  The Form 10-K is a government source. Look in the Business section of a public company's Form 10-K (SEC filing) to find information about its suppliers and supply chain.

Start with the IBISWorld database for an industry supply chain overview.   This overview will be for the "industry," not for individual companies, but you can apply the industry information for your analysis.

  • The AtoZ International database includes information on imports/exports and trade logistics.
  • Hoovers and Mergent Intellect have company profiles.
  • Mergent Online:  *Includes Supply Chain information for public companies. 
  • For help using databases, see the tutorials linked on this guide.   

Tip:  Start by looking for WSJ articles. Try Google to find WSJ articles.  Example:  "fast food"

Try the databases linked below to find general business news articles (ex:  from Forbes, local business newspapers). 

Public companies will often name some of their top suppliers on their corporate website or in reports such as the Form 10-K.  Use the company's website search box to find information on suppliers and/or look for trade and news articles that mention suppliers.


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