Use databases to find company profiles prepared by market research firms.
TIP: Start by finding an IBISWorld industry report and then look at the "Competitive Forces" section to help you describe the overall competitive market for the industry in which your company operates.
You can use these databases to find company profiles and create a list of competitors.
TIPS on finding trade sources:
TIP: Start with a company's Form 10-K, which is a government source. Look in the Business section of a public company's Form 10-K for information about its competition.
If a competitor is a public company, look at the Investor's section of the company's website for SEC filings. See the Form 10-K.
TIP: Start by looking for WSJ articles. Try Google to find WSJ articles. Example: "fast food"
Try the databases linked below to find general business news articles (ex: from Forbes, local business newspapers).
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