Many works by our Visiting Writers' Series authors are pulled from their normal places on the shelves and temporarily located in a special display in the Browsing Collection. This collection is located near the Information Commons service desk, next to the vending machines and newspapers.
When you look at an item's record in WorldCat Discovery, be sure to note whether the items is in the General Stacks (mostly 2nd floor) or the Browsing Collection (1st floor). If you have any questions about locating an item on the shelf, don't hesitate to ask us!
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"Hanya Yanagihara is a New York-based writer and former editor of the Condé Nast Traveler. Inspired by the real-life story of D. Carleton Gajdusek, a Nobel Prize winner who uncovered the truth behind the New Guinean kuru disease, Yanagihara's debut novel takes similar turns....
In her next novel, A Little Life, Yanagihara presents a lengthy tale that follows four friends from their first meeting at a tony college through the pitfalls of middle age. Malcolm becomes an architect, and Willem, who wants to run his own ranch, ends up becoming a famous actor. JB is a talented painter who struggles to maintain relationships, while Jude is a successful attorney haunted by his abusive childhood. Each struggles to find peace despite their worldly success, and Yanagihara told London Observer correspondent Tim Adams: 'I'd had the characters in my head for a long time. I was writing every single night and all weekend and it is not something I necessarily recommend. Though it was an exhilarating experience it was also an alienating one. ... That process ... is absorbing and dangerous. It is probably one I will never have again, and one I never want again.'"
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