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Visiting Writers' Series LibGuide: Home

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From the Visiting Writers Series webpage

"The Vivian S. Delbrook Visiting Writers Series at Butler University regularly hosts public readings and Q & A sessions with some of the most influential people in contemporary literature. Not only have authors like Toni Morrison, Billy Collins, Kurt Vonnegut Jr., Gwendolyn Brooks, Nick Hornby, Margaret Atwood, Allen Ginsberg and Amy Tan shared their work with the Indianapolis community, but they have interacted directly with undergraduate students in Butler's English classes.

Students can also choose to take a 300-level English course that features the work of authors in the Visiting Writers Series. Students in this course are invited to join English faculty in a private dinner given for each writer when he or she visits the campus as well as introduce the writers at the public readings.

The program offers an average of 14 events each year, all of which are free and open to Butler students as well as the Indianapolis community, making the Butler University Visiting Writers Series the largest and most comprehensive of its kind."


Email Butler University Libraries
Irwin Library: 317-940-9227
Science Library: 317-940-9937

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